Model Demonstration Coordination Center

Cohort 4 Model Demonstration Projects

University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning

The Strategic Writing Model (SWM): Secondary Writing Instruction Through a
Three-Tiered RtI Model

The SWM project applies a three-tiered response to intervention (RtI) approach to the instruction of complex writing skills at the secondary level in low-performing high schools. SWM combines previously validated interventions and places them in three tiers. General education English teachers provide instruction to all ninth-grade students using the Learning Strategies Curriculum strategic writing model; other content teachers teach students how to apply the writing strategies and processes to discipline-specific writing.

The curriculum includes four writing strategy programs: Sentence Writing Strategy, Paragraph Writing Strategy, Error Monitoring Strategy, and the Theme Writing Strategies. Additional strategies are taught to students needing prerequisite skills in mechanics and spelling.

The model includes a variety of assessment tools for universal screening, continuous progress monitoring, and outcome evaluation. In addition, ongoing professional development and coaching are integral to the model.

The SWM project is a collaboration between the Center for Research on Learning and the Strategic Learning Center at the University of Kansas.

Contact Information

Suzanne Robinson, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator
University of Kansas
Center for Research on Learning


Beverly Colombo
Co-Principal Investigator
University of Kansas
Strategic Learning Center

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