Model Demonstration Coordination Center

Cohort 5 Model Demonstration Projects

University of Colorado at Boulder, School of Education and BUENO Center

RTI Effectiveness Model for ELLs (REME)

REME is a 4-year project designed to examine the effectiveness of a culturally responsive multitiered response to intervention (RTI) instructional model on the reading and language achievement of English language learners (ELLs). The REME model will be implemented in three randomly assigned pilot schools and includes six primary components, shown below.

The project aims to:

  1. Increase the knowledge and skills of classroom teachers in each of the six model components
  2. Increase ELLs’ reading and language vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension
  3. Implement culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning on a daily basis
  4. Increase relevant and appropriate instructional adjustments for ELLs in reading and language
  5. Increase educators’ ability to discern language acquisition and cultural differences from learning disabilities.

Through implementation of REME with fidelity, the researchers hypothesize that the following outcomes will be realized:

Reading and language achievement of ELLs in grades K–3 in the areas of vocabulary development, oral reading fluency, and silent reading comprehension will improve over time.

A decrease in special education referrals for reading will occur for ELLs in grades K–3

A school-wide RTI model including connections and collaborative interactions among grade-, school-, and district-level RTI teams will be established and institutionalized.

This image shows the REME Model Components
Contact Information

Janette Klingner, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
University of Colorado at Boulder

John Hoover, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator
University of Colorado at Boulder


Lucinda Soltero-González, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator
University of Colorado at Boulder


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