Cohort 6 Model Demonstration Projects
PACER Center
Technology to Improve Kids’ Educational Success (TIKES)
TIKES is a model demonstration project designed to empower parents and early educators through a unique and innovative model of training professionals and families together to promote and sustain promising practices for the effective use of assistive technology (AT) by infants, toddlers and preschool children with disabilities in order to improve their functional outcome and improve their access to the general education curriculum. Partnering with diverse metro education agencies in Minnesota, the TIKES projects is developing an innovative and research-based curriculum, piloting the curriculum and support materials with three partner agencies, modifying and improving the curriculum and then sharing the model demonstration materials via the TIKES web site. TIKES will work with the partner agencies to promote an AT library and reuse program, provide access to PACER’s AT lending library, and provide “Young Explorer” computers for Part B preschools. |