Model Demonstration Coordination Center

Cohort 9 Stepping-Up Technology Implementation

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Integrated Technology Tools for Optimizing Instruction and Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities

Despite widespread use of technology-enabled curriculum-based measurement (CBM), many teachers lack the resources and knowledge to effectively apply it and to systematically use the collected data for selecting appropriate goals, analyzing student skills, and managing data. The goal of this project is to develop the technology tools and professional development resources necessary to integrate data on instruction and assessment into mathematics for students with disabilities (SWD) in grades 3 to 5. The project will fuse progress monitoring data from easyCBM, a widely used evidence-based CBM platform, and MyiLOGS, an online daily log for documenting instructional actions. This new integrated instructional and assessment technology tool will provide teachers of SWD with resources to ensure the instructional adequacy of progress monitoring and optimize the implementation of Common Core Math Standards instruction for SWD. The developers of easyCBM and MyiLOGS will partner with elementary teachers and students to implement, evaluate, and disseminate the technology tool and the resources to support its ongoing use.

Project activities will result in the innovative Integrated Instructional Progress Monitoring (I2PM) system featuring (a) online PD modules to support teachers’ high-fidelity implementation and use of the technology, (b) an integrated curriculum-instruction-assessment portal to document Common Core Standards instruction and easyCBM progress monitoring and benchmark test results, and (c) quarterly online feedback reports that integrate instructional actions with students’ assessment results to prompt subsequent instructional plans.

A multimethod evaluation will provide periodic performance feedback and documentation of outcomes (products and services) for teachers and SWD. Finally, research reports will be widely disseminated to advance adoption of successful practices and tools.


Contact Information

Dr. Stephen Elliott

Principal Investigator
Arizona State University, Tempe


Dr. Alexander Kurz
Co-Principal Investigator
Arizona State University, Tempe




Dr. Gerald Tindal
Co-Principal Investigator
University of Oregon


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